2 Forks Design Etsy Shop Open
Several paintings/illustrations on this site now have a direct link to my Etsy shop for people interested in owning a piece of my work. To think that people are willing to spend their hard-earned money on something I create is a thrilling thought. Perhaps now I finally understand what “I’m honoured” means. Martha Paxton (in […]
I added some pictures showing how the 13″ x 19″ reproductions are signed and numbered. So far there are only a few but more will be added in the next couple of days.
Photos Added
Photos of the natural color greeting cards are added to each page under ILLUSTRATION. Black cards will be posted soon. These cards will be available for purchase through 2forksdesign.etsy.com
Masculinity, Femininity
While uploading my graphic design portfolio, I realized that my style in graphic has been increasingly masculine over the years. It has a harshness to it that’s hard to explain. I hope I can credit it to the fact that I’ve been working almost exclusively in the telescope industry, where the predominant audience is male. […]
Illustration with a fashion flare
I added several of my fashion illustrations to the portfolio. In fact, I’d rather my paintings to be seen as illustrations with a fashion flare. It is more important for me to present a good piece of art than a nice fashion invention
The beginning
Making a portfolio website requires more courage than skill. Once it is exposed to the public eye there is no fooling myself