Nomads of Eurasia

The non-Islamic nomads in Europe and Asia are rich both in terms of cultural diversity and artistic achievements. History has produced a mixture of different religions and cultures in this area. One can see a variety of origins in their clothes. In our minds, the land of Eurasia is golden, vast and free. This picture of their land mirrors the nomad’s carefree lifestyle.



For the nomads of Eurasia, garments have a very important function serving as protection against cold; padded and layered clothing is typical and natural to cold climates. The layered shawls and drapery, the tippets (a shoulder cape of fur or cloth often with hanging ends), wrapped aprons and cumberbunds, the heavy boots and distinctive headware all reveal influences of the Caravan trade. Cross-clothed garments found in many groups of nomads is Mongol Chinese origin. The clothing style is is similar for both men and women with boots worn under long robes. The colors are typically brown with different hues. Some group of nomads produce textiles with very fine needlework that are extremely beautiful. The hats and head dresses distinguish “higher” class people when there are special tassels, bottoms, and other decorations. Ears are usually protected with flaps and wraps in cold weather.


Basically, the Eurasian nomad’s jewelry is heavy and of a large and bold design. Jewelry is important to the nomads in two respects. For one, the Eurasian nomads love to decorate themselves. If they do not have fine jewlry, they find help in ribbons, make-up, shells and even tattoos. The other reason why jewelry is important is that it acts as a portable savings account. Tibetan nomadic women tie silver ornaments and coins into their hair. This silver jewelry on women is not only beautiful but also displays the wealth of a woman’s family. It is said that the original prupose of wearing silver was to avoid evil, to frighten away tigers and thus to ensure a long life. Many still wear silver for these reasons.

Nomads of Middle East

Although the Islamic culture is extremely conservative, there is no lack of beautiful dresses and ornaments. No matter how far away two different Muslim associates are, the Koran unites them together, brings them more similarities than differences in all aspects of life. From a very early age, a Muslim girl wares a veil which covers her face form under her eyes. Girls often sew small silver ornaments onto their veils and usually restyle them every three years.



A majority of Muslim nomads live in the desert. Dry and hot, these desert nomads wear lose and long clothes that cover most of their body. Robes of blue and black are traditional dress for these desert people.


Women collect quantities of valuable jewelry. Jewelry is traditionally part of the dowry, and valuable ones are passed down from mother to daughter. There are a lot of different designs fro jewelry, but many of them are in the shapes of different animals or animal parts. Creatures believed to have magical powers are depicted in the jewelry. Jewelry used by the nomads usually carry protective symbolism. As time passes, many symbols used in nomadic societies have lost their significance, but two symbols remain an important part of the desert life. One is that of the evil eye. It si frequently worn to deflect the evil glance and protect the one who wears it. The other sit hat of the hand, the hand is the most important symbol of protection, and it represents the five fundamental principles of Islam. Silver is the most favored material for the desert nomads. Gold, on the other hand, is perceived as the material of the devil and is not held as highly as silver. If the situation allows, a nomadic woman would have all her jewelry in silver.

Nomads of Africa

The nomads of Frica are a distinctive group of people with very different ways of life from all other nomads. They are bold, energetic and creative. They love different kinds of colors. During the dry season, nomads travel from camp to camp. Cattle raising is an important part of their life, but they also have many ceremonies and festivities that they celebrate.



The clothes of African nomads, for either men or women, are usually simple pieces which they wrap around their bodies. Different tribes prefer different colors for their clothes. Women embroider blouses and skirts, and small objects are collected to make jewelry.


Jewelry for African nomads is more for personal adornment and protection than for accumulating and displaying wealth. Beads of different, bright colors or nickel and silver coins are some favorites of the women.


The concern for beauty among nomadic women is evident. African nomadic women spend hours making their hair into an extremely creative art form. They divide and lengthen the hair, use palm oil or melted butter on it and support it with cloth, fiber padding or other materials. Their hair is braided in countless ways and a rich assortment of jewelry is attached. Their hair expresses the African nomad’s artistic originality. Apart from the fascinating hair styles, beaded scarves are also stylish. They are made of brightly colored fine materials. Women often wear head scarves over their elaborate hairdos, and the material and style of the headscarf can reveal the wearer’s wealth and status.

The Studies Of Physical Features Of Different Races

Apart from the costumes and the ornaments, the beauty of the nomadic model is also a focus of this project. In the process of analyzing features of different races, bone structure, and facial features, and body proportions come to mind. The real beauty of different races is the special attraction each race poses.


Nomads from Asia typically have a softer facial contour. The facial features and their bone structure are not as distinct as those from other continents. Asian women have a peaceful, gentle and dependent image. All the cultural limitations make Asian women seem inscrutable. The Asian nomads also have a smaller frame compared to the other races.


The look of African nomads vary significantly according to the tribes and locale. On the average, the African nomads have very distinct facial features. Their bodies are trim and fit. Men usually have very distinct muscle definition. They are usually very tanned.


The Middle-Eastern nomads have the most desirable facial features for today’s standards. They have very deep and dark eyes with curly dark hair. Their look is more rounded than the Africans.

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